Some information about Ed Lewis Art and Design

Hello and thanks for checking out my website. Really appreciated! My name is Ed Lewis and I am an artist based in South Wales.

It it with a little trepidation that I launch this website! Putting my creations online has always been an ambition of mine but for one reason or another, I held back until now.


I have always loved art and have always loved creating things. It’s always been a passion of mine but one I didn’t actively pursue full time after leaving full time education. Life has a funny way of working things out and here I am all these years later with my passion for Art and Design still in place. The C-19 lockdown of 2020 was the catalyst for change and for helping me move forward to this point. It gave me some time aside from a busy career in Pharma to focus on the things I love; my family and friends and my love of art.

I have found a love of the digital medium, and these days my favourite toy is my graphic tablet and pen. With these, I can spend hours creating a picture – wonderfully therapeutic!

I grew up by the sea having stunning landscapes and nature all around me. This has been the influence for most of the pieces created on this site all of which I have loved creating.

I really hope you enjoy looking around this site and I hope you find something you like in my store perhaps for yourself or as a gift.

Get in touch

If there is anything else you want to know about Ed Lewis Art and Design, please do not hesitate to get in touch. I’d love to hear from you. Also be sure to check out my ETSY and Facebook pages.

Thanks again for visiting.